Child sponsorship has been at the heart of our fundraising initiatives since our work began. By sponsoring a child with us you are literally able to transform their life. Our monthly sponsorship costs begin at only £15 on our shared sponsorship scheme; while we also offer the option to be a sole (Full) sponsor for a child in our care, see below for further details of the support options.
Historically we have operated on a full sponsorship basis, with one party or household covering a child’s full costs. While we encourage this option we are aware it is not a possibility for everyone and therefore we also operate a shared sponsorship scheme.
£30 per month
- Attend Full-time Education
- Full School Uniform
- Books & Stationary
- Home & School Meals
- Accommodation
- Clothing & Footwear
- Access to Healthcare
£45 per month
- Attend Full-time Education
- Full School Uniform
- Books & Stationary
- Home & School Meals
- Accommodation
- Clothing & Footwear
- Access to Healthcare

Coming from a very disadvantaged background and sponsored since the age of ten, Henry had always wanted to pursue a medical career. Perfoming exceptionally well academically, Henry was sponsored through primary school, secondary school, and four years of a university degree course at Makerere University. He now holds a post as a radiographer at the Aga Khan University hospital in Kampala.
Child sponsorship is very worthwhile and effective means to directly change the course of a young life. Every sponsor child is very appreciative of their sponsor(s) and depend upon their support. As such the decision to sponsor a child is a significant commitment and we would ask you to give some thought to your decision. Whether you plan to join our shared or full sponsorship scheme a child will be dependent on your regular donations.
The majority of our costs are incurred monthly, while some (such as school uniform) are annual and others are tied to the school terms; for convenience sake we calculate an average monthly amount for each and sponsorship funds are collected via monthly direct debit or standing order.
Once you have made a decision to become a sponsor you can complete our online form via the links on this page and we’ll get back to you very soon.
The list(s) on this page are a good overview of what your sponsorship will pay for. Commitment to sponsor a child is a commitment to caring for all of their needs whilst under our care. Both inside and outside of school, we cater for everything from food and clothing to accommodation and medical care. Where a child is living in a family home we support the sponsor child within the home and discourage removing children from a stable home environment. In the unfortunate circumstance where a child is orphaned or cannot stay safely in the family home, we have segregated primary school boarding dormitories where children stay under the care and supervision of house mothers. Our secondary school students predominantly stay in our staffed upper age-group boys and girls boarding dormitories, at our office compound, as the secondary school is closer to this location.
After you have completed and submitted our online form we will contact you with details of your sponsor child. You will receive a recent photograph and relevant up to date information. As a sponsor you will have a named sponsor child under our care and receive periodic updates. Friends Reaching out pools all sponsorship money (including Gift Aid) in order to ensure that all the children in our care are provided for and benefit from your support.
We encourage those wanting to sponsor a child to write at least once a year. Communication through letters is the easiest way. These can be sent to the children via our Friends Reaching Out postal address, as can Christmas and birthday gifts. We make regular oversight visits to Uganda and are able to deliver communications personally. We will update you via email or our newsletter of any upcoming visits to enable you to get any letters and gifts to us.
Via our shared sponsorship scheme you are able to partner with other sponsors, be that a friend, family member, or an existing sponsor assigned by the charity. This option ensures we can fully cover the costs to support a child when a full sponsor is not available.
£15 per month
between 2 sponsors
- Attend Full-time Education
- Full School Uniform
- Books & Stationary
- Home & School Meals
- Accommodation
- Clothing & Footwear
- Access to Healthcare
£15 per month
between 3 sponsors
- Attend Full-time Education
- Full School Uniform
- Books & Stationary
- Home & School Meals
- Accommodation
- Clothing & Footwear
- Access to Healthcare