Kisimula Primary School has developed a lot since its early days of being a small wooden classroom building. Founded by local church Pastor Samuel Gwengabo in the early 2000s, it caters for children within a 2-mile radius of the village. Over the years investment in improvements to increase opportunity for more children locally has resulted in a student body of approx. 350. While much has improved there are still key facilities needed to complete the campus and help to maintain and build on the good standards the school has achieved.
With much still to do we would be very grateful of any donation you may be able to make. To make a donation to our school building fund please follow the link above to our secure online donation portal.
The school is currently centred around the completed classroom blocks. The most recently completed development is the permanent nursery classroom & toilet block. In addition the Staff & Admin block is currently under construction and should be completed by spring 2024. See further details below.

Through a combination of fundraising and some very generous gifts this critical school building was completed in autumn 2023! Although the school mainly functions as a primary school, a small nursery section is also operated to cater for local pre-school aged children.
STATUS: Complete

After many years of the only school office facility being a small room attached to the teachers’ accommodation we have finally been able to commence this milestone building! Not only will the admin block provide much needed office space, it also gives the faculty a place to meet, relax, and get together outside of the classroom. There will also be a nurses office and storage space.
START DATE: August 2023

Our second classroom block is complete and will soon be brought into service. It will cater for the lower school years (P1 – P3) which had been meeting in temporary classroom spaces. To be truly complete the hard landscaping connecting the new block to other parts of the site needs to be undertaken. This second classroom block will truly establish the school locally as an unmatched facility.
STATUS: Complete

Plans for a multi-function hall space are towards the later end of our priorities for the school development but will eventually make a very useful addition to the site. The building would be used on a day-to-day basis for assemblies and dining, but would also be useful for indoor sports and inter-school events. Architecturally this would be more of a low-walled, opened sided shelter, providing a single large open meeting space.
STATUS: Proposed

The school’s existing kitchen was built in 2014 and while it is perfectly functional, it is located on the opposite side of the road from the main school compound, which is not ideal. A newer, better equipped, kitchen facility with room for storage, located next to the proposed meeting/dining hall will be a great addition to the school.