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In addition to the Kisimula Primary School, with your help we have been able to undertake many wonderful projects over the years, projects that have benefited the children we work with and the wider community in which they live. From essential amenities such as boreholes and sanitation infrastructure, to electricity supply and food production. Each project is another significant step towards brighter futures for countless people and also brings hope to many more. Below are a few key areas in which we have been able to partner with the local community.
Nothing is more vital to life and health but so often taken for granted. Through your generous giving we have been able to install two boreholes and associated infrastructure; one at each of our village sites. These provide a clean and convenient water source for our school, homes, and the local community.
Connection to the power network at our Kadunda site was a significant milestone in the early days of the charity’s work and was no small undertaking. While the connection benefitted us, it also created a great opportunity for the village, with families and businesses now able to connect to the power network thanks to the new infrastructure put in place.  At Kisimula we have invested in solar power solutions for the school and teachers accommodation and hope to further develop this.
We have previously liaised and partnered with other charities in Uganda to host agriculture training days, which were open to anyone locally who had an interest to attend. More recently we have been speaking with the charity Farming God’s Way to investigate how we can make the most of the charity’s farmland.   
Friends Reaching Out have been able to help in the construction of two churches, that are also used as community hubs in Kadunda and Kisimula vilages. A memorial fund for charity co-founder Mike Parsons helped fund the New Covenant church in Kadunda, also known as St. Mike’s.


Although we work out of two village locations, a lot of our time is spent in Kisimula village due to the primary school being located there. The village has seen some development and growth over the last 20+ years (not least of that being the school) but is still very much a remote rural location. With a population of approx. 450 it is a very welcoming and tranquil community where the slow pace of life is very alluring. Below are a selection of photographs to convey a little of the people and community of Kisimula village.
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